Who am I?

Hey, I’m Suchismita, a strong believer in “everything happens for a reason.” And, I’m sure that’s how you find me in this internet world equipped with mediocre click-bait articles. I’m obsessed with exploring the world, meeting new people, and getting as lost as possible with my camera. I hope this blog gives you some inspiration (and handy tips) to go and chase your dreams and adventures. Traveling is the best kind of education. So, go get lost, even if it’s just outside your doorsteps!

For those who don’t know me personally, I just want to welcome you into my world. With my colorful imagination, I want to take you guys on the adventure of a lifetime. I’m here to inspire others through my journey of being a solo female traveler, pushing the envelope of what’s possible, and creating the life of my dreams through a relentless pursuit.

How Did I Fall In Love With Traveling?

I have a certain fondness for traveling since my childhood. And, this tendency developed more when I was doing my masters in English. Being a literature student it’s obvious that you’ll gradually fall in love with reading and traveling. Have you ever opened the cover of a book and wondered what you would find inside? Where you would go? Whom you would meet? A story has the power to send you back in time or into the future, to transport you to other lands and kingdoms. I’ve met ogres, talking rabbits, and some of my best friends in the pages of books.

For me, travel is a way of life. I was born into a travel-obsessed family and I’m incredibly fortunate to have parents who insisted that travel was the best classroom and, thankfully, our family holidays were spent exploring fascinating places, both near and far.

Travel Benefits

Travel gives us our greatest stories, our most cherished memories, and countless irreplaceable learnings that we can choose to pay forward to others. It teaches us about ourselves and each other, it broadens our horizons and, just like a reset button, it forces us to refocus on what matters.

Another reason why I love to travel: it helps open your mind. You realize that there’s no one way to live life. Meeting people from other places will show you that your world view isn’t the same as everyone else’s. By being exposed to new places, people, and cultures, you’ll develop a wider world view.

You’ll discover how resourceful you are when you’re exposed to new places, people, and experiences. Maybe it’s finding your way around a busy city. Or ordering a meal when you don’t speak the language. Or zip-lining. You’ll feel pride when you finish your trip successfully. Overcoming challenges will bring you joy and energy for future tests. You’ll realize how capable you are and build your confidence.

Besides this learning is a strong reason why I love to travel. I always want to experience something unfamiliar and leave with new skills or knowledge. Seeing the world is more educational than a high school or college class. Every destination has something unique to teach visitors, and immersing themselves in a completely different world is the best learning experience.

Just travel to learn something specific: a new language, a new cuisine, aspects of a different culture, or a deeper appreciation of faith or spirituality. As a bonus, you’ll take away more than your specific goal. You’ll discover different ways of doing things. You’ll also gain awareness of new customs, cultures, people, and places. And, because you’re experiencing this learning in real life, not reading it in a textbook, it will stay with you for a long time. You’ll gain a deep sense of satisfaction with the new skills you’ve learned – and new insights you’ve gained.

My Travel Philosophy

You can’t imagine how different life is in another place until you see for yourself. By being exposed to new places, people, and cultures, you’ll develop a wider world view. And, that will make you a better-rounded global citizen. It’s a great reward and a big reason why I love to travel. Travelling gives you an escape from reality, it teaches you to live like a local, to dance like a gypsy and it teaches you to live your life to the fullest. Travel to leave our world a better place, travel to meet different cultures, travel to relax, travel to learn, travel to explore, travel to eat, travel to live out your bucket list dreams. In a nutshell, you get a transformation by traveling.

So here’s to the new memories, the unspoken regrets, and the calculated risks of dancing down a road less traveled to expand my horizons and dare to find new ones. I bring you THE GEEK ON CAFFEINE.